BIJELA NUTELLA: Novitet koji je zaludio Instagram

Objavljeno: 04.10.2020. Ante Ferara

Ocjenjivač hrane i bloger iz Australije, poznat kao Bruce Super Convenience, izazvao je pomutnju među ljubiteljima Nutelle kada je na svojem Instagram profilu objavio fotografiju teglice ovog mega popularnog namaza, ali u bijeloj boji, prenosi 24sata. Odmah je napomenuo kako mu je ovu poslasticu poklonio prijatelj i kolega poznat kao The Snack Controller te kako to nije nešto što se može kupiti u trgovinama.

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[WHITE NUTELLA] Let’s just take a moment to look at this picture, and appreciate this unicorn of a snack…? . This blessed jar was sent to me by @thesnackcontroller – and I need to thank his/her/their beautiful soul for creating this thing of beauty, and sending me one ????. . This jar, with that logo so famous, is found on shelves ALL over the world… but alas, it’s always a dark brown colour… milk chocolate flavour. This one has a white – slightly golden – colour, and even look at the toast in the picture, it has a white spread on it! ?? . Ok, I’m going to be bombarded with messages and DM’s, so let me answer right now – no, this is not a real product, and no, you cannot buy your body’s weight of this product! ? . @thesnackcontroller DOES have more posts about it on their page though, and if you read carefully through the descriptions, you might even discover the recipe they used ? . The spread smells like a Kinder dream, and it tastes even better ?. It does remind me of one of my ALL-TIME favourite Kinder snacks, the White Schoko-Bons ?? It has the familiarity of a Kinder product, with a strong hazelnut influence, and creamy white-milk-chocolate (can that be a thing?! ?) . You may have seen the video of me eating this in the story… there wasn’t much that was said… just a lot of heavy breathing on my part ??. . Ok, starting right this minute though, I’m determined to get @thesnackcontroller to make a special Bruce Super batch of this heavenly delight, and offer it up to the people! ??. Show your support in the comments below if you’re down for this! ??????‍♂️

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– Oprostite što sam vas razočarao – napisao je i dodao da mu je ovu blagoslovljenu teglu poslao @thesnackcontroller, još jedan Instagram bloger koji se bavi hranom.

– Moram zahvaliti njegovoj/njenoj/njihovoj prelijepoj duši što je stvorila ovu divoticu i poslala mi je – napisao je uz fotografiju. The Snack Controller, koji je poslao misterioznu teglicu Nutelle, otkrio je tajnu.

– Napravili smo to prema receptu drugog Instagramera aufstrichqueen_vera. Kombinirali smo dvije table bijele čokolade, vrećicu bijelih Kinder Schokobonsa, mjericu maslaca od lješnjaka, sirup od lješnjaka i obično suncokretovo ulje. Pomiješajte sve zajedno, i to je to – prokomentirao je bloger za Mirror.

Što se tiče recepta za ovaj namaz s profila aufstrichqueen_vera, trebat će vam 200 grama bijele čokolade, 187,5 grama bijele čokolade Moser Roth (Mousse Schokolade von Moser Roth), 20 žličica po 5 grama biljnog ulja i 35 grama maslaca od lješnjaka. Da biste napravili svoju bijelu Nutellu, pomiješajte dvije vrste čokolade zajedno s uljem u blenderu do vrlo fine kremaste teksture. Zatim dodajte maslac od lješnjaka i nastavite miješati. Potom stavite u staklenku i ostavite da odstoji nekoliko dana kako bi namaz dobio pravu konzistenciju. (lb) 

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